Quality Assurance is how we make sure we deliver consistently top quality products and services. All employees, contractors, clients and any person on a worksite under the management or control of Palmer Civil Construction are governed by our Quality Assurance Policy. This policy provides the framework for us to provide controlled, documented and quality assured products in all aspects of our business.

We are totally committed to delivering quality products and services to our clients, so we go the extra mile.

  • We ensure that everyone knows their obligations and senior management lead by example.
  • Our Quality Management system is based on AS/NZ ISO 9001, and we are working towards full compliance and accreditation.
  • We monitor compliance by using third party inspections and audits.
  • We strictly adhere to and comply with legislation, standards and contractual obligations.
  • We have built a culture that recognises and rewards high quality products and services.
  • We provide induction and training that encourages continual improvement and set goals and objectives which are regularly analysed, reviewed and updated.

We further manage risk by only engaging suppliers and subcontractors that also commit to and support this policy.